Jim Rebar – Carolyn (Young) Rebar

Nizna Mysla

This site has been updated to WordPress. This update was long overdue. The Nižná Myšľa Births, Marriages, and Deaths databases (menu above) still work, and the Žakarovce databases, which are complete, will be available soon; only the births are currently online.

Pereces, Hungary, RC Church
Roman Catholic Church in Pereces, Hungary

The photo at left is the Roman Catholic church in Pereces, Hungary, taken in 1995. The church appeared to be no longer active, hence the peeling paint on the exterior. The cemetery behind the church was well cared for.)

A Word for Researchers

The Nižná Myšľa Roman Catholic parish records included the villages of Nižná Myšľa, Vyšná Myšľa, Nižný Čaj, Vyšný Čaj, Blažice, Ždaňa, Škároš, and Bohdanovce, and a smattering of entries from other nearby villages.

  1. Nagy-Ida is present-day Veľká Ida
  2. Felső Mislye is present-day Vyšná Myšľa.
  3. Alsó Mislye is present-day Nižná Myšľa.
  4. Bologd is present-day Blažice
  5. Zsadány is present-day Ždaňa
  6. Szkáros is, of course, Škároš
  7. Garbócz is presumably Garbóczbogdány, which is present-day Bohdanovce. The parish made a distinction between Garbócz and Bogdány, so it is possible they were once separate towns that were joined into one.

Family Newsletters

The annual family reunion is held at Duman Lake Park in Cambria County, Pennsylvania, on the first Saturday in August. Every year from 1989 to 2004 a newsletter was written that contained photos and stories about our extended family of Rebars, Oravetzes, Kozaks, Herpaks, Kuzios, Prusaks, Whites, Kovachiks, and many others. After 2004, we dropped back to a newsletter every two years until we ran out of submissions. They are a wealth of family historical information, and a good source of photos of our extended family.

This site was last updated: February 20, 2025